Thursday, June 13, 2013


Every time someone notices I have a fitness FB page or someone sees I am a fitness trainer they want me to sign up to be a BeachBody coach. While I think their workout programs are insanely crazy planned a definitely a good workout, I always respond with the same thing, "I don't promote supplements."
I have nothing against Shakeology, and get the entire thing of meal replacement, however, I personally feel that if you focus on eating fruits and veggies, lean protein and high fiber you will be full and won't need shakes. If they work for you, if you are sticking to them and losing weight, then stick with it. However, at over $100/mo it gets to be a bit costly. What happens when you stop?? Have you relearned how to eat better? Or will you just go back to the bad habits??

My final say is that, I see nothing fundamentally wrong with the ingredients and such. However, I don't like the idea of putting man made, unregulated substances in my body. I know they are "natural" but labels are misleading and again, not regulated. Grab some organic milk, even coconut or almond, throw in some fruits and veggies, a scoop of good protein if you feel the need, and voila, a much more affordable supplement and you know for certain what is in it!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

New Start

I haven not posted in a good while. We found a house and moved in last week. Monday will officially be two weeks. We are getting settled in nicely, but things are still a bit disorderly.
I managed to pick up two classes at the local Powerhouse Gym. Spin on Monday and Tuesday nights! I also just applied for my business license and tax id! Pretty exciting stuff.
On the other side, we have been eating quite a bit of restaurant food. I am making a conscience effort to eat as best as I can. I have not even been getting to the gym much, but have been working on a 30 day challenge to keep me from totaling slacking off. My spin classes start next week!! I hope to be able to get things rolling soon and write a little more often.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Never Compare

"Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another."
Marquis de Condorcet

I like this quote and it really relates to time at the gym. Last week, I was stuck in a small town in south Texas with no internet, phone or gym. I managed about 3 workouts that week, but am truly happy to be back to civilization and back in the gym. Eating while traveling has also not been my strength this last week and I really wanted to hit it hard. 
I gathered the kids in the jogging stroller, walked the mile or so to the gym and headed for the faily room. Already warmed up from the walk over I jumped on the treadmill and did a tabata of a 7.0 mph  sprint at a 5 incline for a little more warmup than jumped into it. Another woman was on the treadmill, so my workout consisted of 21-15-9, burpees with a press, 250m row and med ball cleans. Workout with the kids need to be fast and intense, because someone is gonna want something! I could feel the woman on the treadmill watching, perhaps wondering what I was doing, perhaps gasping at the fact I was in my socks (I have a blister :) but I got the feeling I made her uncomfortable, maybe because for the whole 25 minutes of my workout she jogged on the treadmill at about 3.5 mph with short bursts of probably, 5.5 mph sprint.
Now, I might just have had this going on in my head. But I really wanted to tell this woman, "at least you are here". Too many people feel intimidated at the gym and try to 'keep up' with someone anonymous competitor. Though its good to push, we need not compare ourselves, especially at the gym! My 25 minute workout was short and intense, but half what I normally do because of poor self control the last week. I started doing almost the same thing, years ago, 20 minutes on the elliptical! Everyone has to start somewhere and we should not bother ourselves with where others  might be. Sticking to it matters most and eventually you will be at your destination. One the same side, we must not judge others for where they are not yet at. I once had a woman come into the gym I was a manager at and asked to have the "large" woman on the treadmill in front of the window move because she was headed to the Chinese place next door and it was "gross." I kicked her out of the gym and told here there was not way I would ask her to move. The nerve! 
My point is, we all have to start somewhere and we all have to train ourselves not to compare ourselves to others while we get there!  

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Duck Dynasty and Simplicity

This blog has really little to do with fitness, however, everything to do with health. Health is not just as simple as being in shape and eating right. Our mental and emotional help can play a huge role in everyday life with relationships, to include both personal and professional. So Duck Dynasty??
If you haven't seen this show it about a family in Louisiana that developed and marketed a dog call and became millionaires. I am not a fan of reality TV, however, I like this show. Where other shows, like Real Housewives or Jersey Shore are rule of drama and people always trying to get things they don't have, these fellas on Duck Dynasty spend time telling jokes, playing gags and bickering amongst themselves. Its entertaining and its not at the expense of someone getting hurt. Even those this family is rich, they maintain much of their original lifestyle, Phil, the actual designer of the duck call, still lives in a trailer; they all show gratitude for what they have and they don't stress on the things they don't have. I appreciate that.
In our modern world where there is so much stress to be perfect; the perfect wife, the perfect mom, the perfect student and stress to have perfection; the perfect car, the perfect house, the perfect body; it is nice to see a change and watch these self proclaimed red necks allow themselves to be video taped and laughed at to a wide viewing audience. And if there is anything that can relieve a little stress and anxiety (which will add the pounds on) its a little laughter. If you haven't seen this show, you should do your body a favor and take 25 minutes to relax and have a laugh!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Weekend Defeat

My baby is nearing the eight month mark. Time goes by so fast for these little ones and especially for Mama. I am still holding onto about 15 pounds of baby weight. It can certainly be very frustrating and though I know post pregnancy weight loss differs for every women and possibly with every pregnancy, its is still irritating to feel stuck, and particularly so when working out for 4-6 hours a week. As easy as it is to blame my static state on my postnatal condition, I have to look back and be realistic. 
Every week I track my food, eat my greens, down by protein and calculate calories burned. Then the weekend hits. Its shopping and outings which leads to pizza and sandwiches, sweet breads and coffees. In the end, I have to admit weekend defeat. 
Many people feel like they have hit a stalemate, but if they are truthful to themselves and look back at their consumption versus expenditure, it is likely you can see the issue clear as day. What is the purpose of this post? First, it means "saying" it aloud is admitting to fully. I know why I have stalled. Secondly, its to get people out there to be honest. I don't think people lie intentionally about food or exercise, we just don't always see the truth. I hear time and time again, "I don't eat that much," however, 99% of the time people are eating more than they think. Exercise can be deceiving also. Just because you sat on a bike in the cycling class does not mean you burned the 700 calories it claims to burn. You have to actually do the work. You have to push, you have to sweat, your heart has to push hard and above all, you have to be honest to yourself. Now, I just have to get these weekend under control and take responsibility for my own state of weight and break out of this cycle of weekend defeat.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Working on Willpower

I have a weakness for food. I love food; fruits, veggies, sweets, salty, you name it, I like it. I sabotage my own efforts, because I have no willpower to abstain. For the most part I have dealt with this by not having certain in foods in my house. We don't stock chips , cookies or ice cream; if i want it, I have to go get it. But then the problem comes in with my husband. He tends to buy things in quantity, like chocolate. So my new goal is to stop making excuses and stick to my guns and develop the willpower to say no. After all, do I want the chocolate, or do I want to get rid of these last 15 baby pounds? I know its going to be hard, but I know I only have myself to blame for both my successes and failures I cannot blame anyone else. What is your weakness? How have you learned to cope with it?

Sunday, February 3, 2013


It's so easy to fall into habit. Not eating breakfast, grabbing a burger at lunch, or sitting on the couch after dinner. It's just as easy to fall into good habits. Grabbing oatmeal or whole what toast with peanut butter, packing your lunch each previous night to ensure its healthy, and even making taking a walk after dinner your new family ritual. Just as bad habits form, so too, can good habits be established.
I have been working out no less than 3 days, but more like 4-5 a week since my baby was 2 weeks old. I have had so much energy and feel so much better than when I don't work out. That being said, I have not worked out in two days, and I can say for certain, workout is on today!
Don't tell me you don't have time, don't tell me you don't know how, don't say you can't, stop the excuses and just do it! Start today and get on the road to making that good habit stick!